How To Live Your Vision

What is your vision? What are your goals?

In these unusual times, you may be wondering if you should even be thinking of visions and goals. But one thing this pandemic has shown is that you never know what’s going to happen. Ever. Being able to be flexible and not too rigid in how you’re going to achieve your goals has always been good advice. Even more so now.

Having a vision is important, as otherwise we’ll be aimless. This is fine sometimes. If we’ve had setbacks in any aspect of our lives, then we can all feel without purpose. But long-term we’ll end up getting nothing done. Achieve success by having clarity on what you want, and then living a life which achieves that. So what do I mean?

Using language to live the life you want. If you want to have more money, don’t focus on having none. Don’t say to yourself or others, “i’ve not got enough money”. Instead focus on what you do have. Even when buying a magazine or newspaper. Say to yourself, "i’m grateful and appreciate having the money to buy this". Subtle? But over time, focusing on what you do have, not what you’ve not, means you’ll feel better and attract the life you want.

Behaving how you want to be. For instance if your vision is to have excellent health and fitness.Don’t eat junk food or do no exercise. Start eating nutritious high quality food and start moving. This

Consider what are your thoughts? Even though are lives are currently restricted, are you focusing on what you haven’t got, or what you have? Are your thoughts holding you back from feeling more positive. Or optimistic about your future? The pandemic has proven we can’t control everything in our lives. But actually this hasn’t taken away our ability to control how we react to situations. We have the ability to choose our thoughts.

I love this quote from Tom Ziglar

"The fastest way to success is to replace bad habits with good habits".

Being uncertain of the future is normal, never more so than now. But having clarity of your vision and what steps you can take. Today and tomorrow and the day after to live the life you want is very empowering.

What else can you do to help clarify your vision, and build your mindset to achieve your goals?

Meditation and positive affirmations can be very useful. You may not think these are for you. But they’re for everyone!
My recommendations are Gabby Bernstein, Abraham Hicks and Louse Hay. Find lots of their recordings online, including at youtube.

Goal setting is part is of my business coaching - email info @ for more information.

How to Get Confidence Running Your Equine or Canine Business

Email me at info @ to learn more.

About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.